Image of woman with the quote "What if it was less about NOT drinking and more showing up as the woman you want to be.

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The Sober•ish Experiment

I see you. Planner out. New pens and notebooks. Visioning 2024.

So full of hope that this WILL be THE year you are the new, better version of yourself.

This was me for years when it came to finding freedom from alcohol and every year I would face disappointment and frustration. 

What changed after 20 plus years of drinking?

One mindset shift. 


Sober•ish isn’t a punishment, it’s a power move.


Maybe you *don’t* have a drinking problem…


But maybe you *do* have a problematic relationship with alcohol.


And maybe, it doesn’t matter that “so does everyone else.” 


Because you’ve never done anything like “everyone else.” So why start now?

When you’re sick of feeling the way you’re currently feeling, I’m the one you call.


I’m not gonna take your booze away forever. I’m not gonna shame you for what you coulda woulda done. 


But I am going to help you create a new way of existing– one in which you’re actually free.


Becoming soberish is about making conscious drinking decisions based on the woman you want to be. 


A woman who is free from the anxious yearning for that first drink of the day.


A woman who stops Googling “do I have a drinking problem?” 

A woman brave and bold enough to step out from her identity of the booze o’clock friendly drinking pal. 


Because you and I know, the real punishment is actually staying where you are now. 


You have big dreams…and embracing a soberish lifestyle may just be your next move.


Today I launch The Sober•ish Experiment starting on February 7th. This 12-week program is designed to help you create your sober•ish life making it your next power. Through group coaching, weekly content and exercises, accountability and reflection you’ll emerge a new woman who chooses herself over booze.

Now until January 5th, I’ll be offering a one-time 50% of The Sober•ish Experiment. Use the code newyearsoberishyou at and do something your future self will thank you for. 

Picture of Holly Krivo

Holly Krivo

Sober•ish Coach, Podcast Host, Speaker. Love cocker spaniels, Celine Dion and chips and salsa. Not necessarily in that order.

Finding my own way to sober•ish life is the best thing I have ever done and I know it can be for your too.

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Welcome to Sober·ish Uprising where we find freedom from alcohol on our own terms. I’m so glad you’re here. 

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The 5 questions to ask yourself to see if you have a drinking problem