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Setting yourself up for Sober•ish Success

On a podcast last week, we discussed the social pressure of drinking and also how there seems to always be a reason to drink. 

For years I didn’t honor myself and change my relationship with booze because there was always something coming up.

There will always be parties, perfect spring days, cold winter nights, good days, bad days, Tuesdays.

This past weekend we went out of town for a friend’s celebration and I knew there would be drinking throughout the weekend.

I chose to stay sober this weekend and here is what helped me do that.

1. Communicate –  I let them know that I wouldn’t be drinking so I could be the DD. They all know my sober·ish journey so not a surprise but setting the stage that I wouldn’t be drinking days before I got there was helpful.

2. Prepare – I packed my AF Surely sparkling wines and a couple of HiYos. I had sparkling waters as well. At the bar I ordered a mocktail and had sparkling water in hand the rest of the time. Failure to plan is planning to fail. It’s my responsibility and only mine to ensure I am set up for success

3. Self Leadership –  I was one of the first to leave on Friday night and turned in early on Saturday night. Once I hit the point of being done for the evening, I removed myself from the situation. I didn’t make a scene or force others to shut down  but I didn’t stay to make others feel okay and put me in a place of resentment. This is something I have always been pretty good at but I am diligent about it when sober.

It’s never a good time and it’s always a good time to find freedom from booze. 

If you are waiting for the perfect time to quit, you’ll be waiting for the rest of your life. And you deserve better than that. 

Picture of Holly Krivo

Holly Krivo

Sober•ish Coach, Podcast Host, Speaker. Love cocker spaniels, Celine Dion and chips and salsa. Not necessarily in that order.

Finding my own way to sober•ish life is the best thing I have ever done and I know it can be for your too.

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